15 July 2011

New Bike But Not Mine...

Back to blogging again... Since the previous post was about bicycle, now the post also about bicycle...

Since my bicycle had be stolen pass 4 days, mean on the 11th of July, still haven't have any news about my bicycle or no one found my bicycle... Really miss my bicycle because it is my birthday present from my mom... Well, gone is gone... Just wish for a new...

While I'm wishing for a new bicycle, today I heard from my mom that will buy a bicycle... Well, I was happy for that but when my mom continue her sentences, "It is for my younger brother as his birthday present since my younger brother's birthday is near" my mood was down for few minutes... But after I think again, although is for my brother, I also can use it because we brothers can share our things..

Today, we went and have a look on bicycles at one of the bicycle shop near our house... Then, my younger brother chose a black with oranges color plus white "HITS" words on it under my advise... It was new, latest and nice bicycle at the bicycle shop... The price of it also "nice" compare to my bicycle... More expensive than mine RM 100...

That's all for today...
will update if still got any events..
stay tuned for it..

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