Why I named the examination as The Judgement Day??? This is because after I sat for this examination, parents need to come and take the results during Open Day!!! So, if I didn't improve or do well in this examination, I also don't know what will happen to me during Open Day when class teacher and my parent sit together and say about my results and attitude in the class...

On the 19th of May - 26th of May, I sat my mid-term examination... I sat for Chemistry, Mathematics T, Pengajian Am and Physics... Overall, the exams was ok except Physics papers.. Mostly all the exams I can answered but Physics I had tried my best to answer it...

Now everything had pass... Waiting me in front is the Open Day... What to do??? Scare??? No!!! I had done my best and hope my parent will understand it... Everything is not easy in Form 6 especially in Science stream and in STPM... Although I fail some of my subjects but if I have improvement, I also happy about it... I improved, I won't let it drop!!!
~ Target and Aim : ALL PASS!!! ~
That all for today...
stay tuned for updates..
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